The ProForm treadmill line is manufactured by ICON Health and Fitness, which is a company located in Utah, USA, and is the leading equipment manufacturing company for the gym. When you compare ProForm treadmills, it will be impossible to ignore the large differences in price, performance and durability. What these products have in common are the characteristics.
Whether it’s a cheaper treadmill for casual users, or a high-quality treadmill used by marathoners and trainers, all ProForm treadmills have very good features that stand out over other machines of your kind as seen in this Proform treadmill review. The biggest competition for this company is the NordicTrack brand, which also belongs to the same ICON group and often share the same components. ProForm’s treadmills feature HD touch screens with internet access, iFit Coach support, and many other benefits that will keep you motivated to keep training.
ProForm also sells desktop treadmills, and this line is called ProForm Thinline and ProForm Thinline Pro. Unlike the usual treadmills, these in particular can withstand more intense exercise. They have very wide tracks, automatic tilts and declines, training apps, and the excellent iFit Coach option.

The ProForm Pro Series line features the latest technologies available from the company outside the Boston series. The three treadmills in this series are designed for both runners and walkers. Engine capacity ranges from 3.5CHP on the Pro 2000 to 4.25CHP on the 9000. Each unit on this line has a 60-inch by 22-inch track and can tilt and decline from -3 to 15%.

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The display options are 7-inch LCD on the Pro 2000, a 7-inch HD touchscreen on the Pro 5000, and a 10-inch HD touchscreen on the Pro 9000.
The ProForm Power Series is a lower floor than the Pro Series, but we like the price difference compared toperformance. Both of the Power Series have tracks of 20 inches x 60 inches and have automatic tilt of 15%. The 995i has a 3.0CHP engine while the 1295i has a 3.5 CHP engine. In addition to the power difference, the 1295i has the advantage of having a 7-inch touchscreen. The 995i has a simple LED display.
ProForm Fitness’s cheapest treadmills are in the Performance Series. Of these, they are currently available. Either has a touchscreen, but each has a computer or tablet space so you can use iFit Coach or other apps with your workout.
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